As we reflect . . .

2019 has been a good year for the MAGOR group, particularly the latter part of it.  The impact of the M4 relief road cancellation has been both a hinderance and a help. It has slowed the decision-making process down in Welsh Government in relation to new stations and rail services, but it has also given us the opportunity to raise the ‘Magor and Undy Walkway’ case with the Transport Commission who are looking for alternative solutions.  We have also established links with new supporters; e.g. Cardiff Parkway Development, Pontrilas Parkway, Alun Griffiths Construction the Celtic Manor Resort & International Conference Centre and not forgetting the Department for Transport in London who has given every help and encouragement.

So, we enter 2020 with a renewed optimism and hope that we will soon make the breakthrough that we have long fought for.

We thank all our supporters; residents, politicians, council officers for the backing and help you have given us and wish you all a very Happy New Year!




About Paul Turner

Site editor
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