Inaugural General Meeting

We have now held our inaugural general meeting, last night (4/7/13), at the Magor Baptist Church.  There was a good attendance of residents and local councillors and we were very pleased that our local MP, Jessica Morden, was able to attend and participate in discussions.  Tom Clarke from the Wetland Trust and Joanne Gillard from GAVO were also in attendance.

Laurence Hando chaired the meeting and reported the reasons for the formation of the group and our progress so far in the aspiration to open a new station to serve Magor and Undy by March 2018. Laurence then went on to put the agenda resolutions to the vote.

Resolution 1 – The Constitution as proposed on 4th June was accepted (as contained in our plan – MAGOR Plan 2013 Update june13_pt ).

Resolution 2 – Mr Laurence Hando was elected as chairman

Resolution 3 – Mrs Julie Wilson was elected as treasurer

Resolution 4 – Miss Jessica Crook, Mr Ted Hand, Mr Keith Plow, Mrs Francis Taylor (email address) and Mr Paul Turner were elected as committee members

We recognised that a secretary to the group has yet to be found but in the meantime it was agreed that the committee members would share the duties.  Incidentally, the committee will meet on a monthly basis at the Wheatsheaf Inn and welcomes any residents of Magor and Undy to join in either as active group members or just to come along and have a say. The next meeting is at 7.30pm on Tuesday 23rd July.

After the resolutions were passed, Laurence invited comments and discussion about the aim of opening the station.  In summary, the general feeling was that with finance being tight these days and the process to get a new station approved with other competing initiatives being difficult, it was going to be a real challenge. However nobody doubted the clear sense in opening a ‘walkway’ type station and, with the obvious support from both the politicians and the people in our communities, there was every reason to be optimistic!

About Paul Turner

Site editor
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