The highlight of the month was the holding of the Annual General Meeting, which had been delayed due to restrictions of the pandemic. The Chairman gave his report on the very positive year which had seen Magor and Undy Walkway Station as confirmed within Welsh Government’s plan to build 6 new stations. The challenge now for the group, will to be to persuade Welsh Government that the building of ‘Magor’ could be ‘quick win’, as little rail infrastructure change is needed to accommodate it. A full report of the meeting can be read here in the draft minutes.
On the 25th August, Jessica Morden MP, invited Richard John, the new leader of Monmouthshire County Council to meet members of the group at the Golden Lion Function Room. Richard took on board the consensus of views that ‘Magor’ should be progressed without delay because of the need to ease traffic congestion on the M4 and to reduce pollution. It was agreed that John Griffith SM would be asked to bring a meeting together of all Senedd Members that have voiced support for Magor, with a view to approaching the Burns Delivery group with the proposal for the ‘quick win’.
And, talking of Senedd Members, we were pleased to welcome Natasha Asghar MS, Shadow Minister for Technology and Transport, to Magor recently. Ted Hand and I were pleased to be able to explain the strength of the ‘Magor case’ and how it needs to be delivered as soon as possible. Natasha gave her wholehearted support and promised to write to the UK Transport minister, Grant Shapps, to help make the case. A full report of her visit can be read in the Free Press by clicking here.
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