A very good year . . .

At our last regular monthly meeting (on March 17th at the Hampton by Hilton) we reviewed progress against our 2015/16 plan.  Here are the highlights –

  • We ran our promotional event at the Wales 1 business park in September which set the course for getting politicians and businesses behind us to get the GRIP 1/2 study completed during the year

  • We have joined the 3 Fields 3filedslogoCommunity Trust so that we can help shape and deliver the much needed community centre.  We helped prepare the questionnaire which has been posted to all households in Magor and Undy – it contains some questions about train use. If you have received it, please return it in the envelope provided by 24th March

  • We have (at the time of writing) 496 ‘likes’ of our Facebook page – which of our supporters will make it hit the magic 500 mark?

  • Welsh Government has acknowledged our aim by showing a station at MAGOR in the METRO plan and by fully funding the GRIP 1 / 2 study

  • The major success of the year – our GRIP (Guide to Rail Investment Process) studies were commissioned and are well underway.  GRIP 1 (Output definition) is complete and gives a favourable view.  GRIP 2 (Feasibility) is underway and will be complete around the end of the month.  Our thanks to Andy Scogings of Network Rail and Will Wootten of Mott MacDonald for helping us make this happen

  • As well as having a seat on MCC’s Strategic Transport Group we have now been invited to help develop the Accessible Transport element of the Severnside Whole Place Community Plan.

You can see the updated 2015/16 plan here but it’s now time to put the 2016/17 plan together.  If GRIP 2 is favourable then GRIP 3 (Option selection) will definitely be in there.

Many thanks to all who have supported us in the campaign.  See you at the May Fayre (2nd May).


About Paul Turner

Site editor
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