Summary of our April Meeting (on 16th April)

Another productive meeting in the Golden Lion function room, which included the following –  

Severnside Area Programme Board – Ted Hand updated the group on our recent presentation of our case to this board.  This multifaceted group is chaired by the county council and comprises  representation from councils, businesses, police, health, schools housing associations and churches, across the communities of Caldicot, Caerwent, Crick, Portskewett, Rogiet, Magor and Undy.  Its remit is to identify issues and strategically develop the area by drawing peoples’ ideas together and give support, financial in some instances, to taking them forward to improve the area as a whole.  Our proposal was well received and we have since formally submitted a case for support and some financial assistance.

Consultations –  We are currently drafting a response to Network Rail Wales Route Study.  This gives us the chance to comment on the wider rail services and proposals and to air our own local aspirations .  Our response will be published on this site in due course.

2015/16 plan – We reviewed our draft plan for the year and signed it off (with one modification). Our second attempt at ‘crowd funding’, after gaining financial support from business and other organisations, will finish with a final ‘push’ at the Frost Fayre.  You can see the plan (outcomes and milestones) by clicking here.

 May Fayre – We have again booked a stall for the May Fayre (Monday, May 4th) so that we can continue to engage with the community and update people on progress. This will also be an opportunity to purchase one of our limited edition fridge magnets, if you haven’t done so already.  And, we have some nice prizes in our fund raising raffle!  See you there, in the square!


**  Again, many thanks to Louise and Garth for letting us use the function room!  **



About Paul Turner

Site editor
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